Wednesday, September 26, 2018

MBPJ OSC Meeting House Renovation

Today is the 27th of September. That means one thing. Its the day that Google was born 20 years ago and for me personally, its the day that MBPJ is having their One Stop Center Meeting to approve my documents.

I totally forgot to tell the Councillors  about the meeting date. But oh well, pray hard with fingers crossed. I have done the best I could, the councilors ARE aware of my project number anyway. If it doesnt pass, then someone has not been doing their work. Im confident all will be well anyway since the OSC Online has been approved, Engineering, Health and Planning Department has approved things anyway. So it should be a matter of sign and be done with during the MBPJ OSC Meeting for my home renovation.

I wanted to post here what it looks like on the MBPJ Website while waiting for the MBPJ One Stop Center to come back with approvals.

This shows the location to check your status for the MBPJ OSC Meeting Approval for your house renovation

This means that the MBPJ OSC Meeting is still taking place

Now we wait and ill check every now and then for a status update. Yay !

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Hardcopies + Planning Division MBPJ & Pre OSC Meeting

Since the 2nd of August, a few events have now suddenly taken place. I have not blogged here for a month plus and for good reason too since I was in Australia. Had fun though with all sorts of beer and ale, bad weather was even better. I love the cold and while many shy away from it, I would rather catch a nasty cold than stay warm inside.

While I was abroad, a few other developments took place. Our Softcopy was finally approved. Which is a big relief. Which means our Hardcopies can be submitted. So now this is what has happened

1. Hardcopies of documents have been submitted by the MBPJ Planning Department Officer to MBPJ OSC because soft copy documents have been all approved
Remember these documents ? Turns out the total amount of documents are 21 docments required in total. So all these Softcopy Documents have been now submitted in Hardcopy to MBPJ OSC

2. MBPJ Planning Department is waiting to submit our Hardcopies to the MBPJ OSC Meeting set to take place on the 27th of September. I have been waiting since the 28th of August  for this. 

The real countdown to a month to approve or maximum 67 days to approve has already started from the day the MBPJ Planning Division Officer received my documents which was on the 28th of August. This is where the real fun begins. Im sure it will mean EXCLUDING HOLIDAYS

If you have been following the blog, remember it says 1 bulan - 67 hari. So lets count it as 8th December for the heck of it. Because Im sure these assholes do not count holidays and weekends. This document was written by the MBPJ Officer on the 23rd of December 2017

Why the whole month before being able to get our documents in the MBPJ OSC Meeting for approval ? Why cannot hor immediately ? Why ah ? This is why and how it works. View below :-

1. MBPJ Planning Department Officer in charge submits Hardcopy documents to MBPJ OSC Division 

2. OSC at MBPJ then Distributes these documents to relevant authorities 

3. Relevant Authorities such as Health Department as well as Engineering Department will also review your documents aaaaaaand theeeeeeeeen

4. Relevant Authorities and Departments will then comment and approve your documents before

5. Being able to have your Hardcopies sent in for the next MBPJ One Stop Centre Meeting

In summary : MBPJ Planning Department - MBPJ OSC Department - Health Department - Engineering Department - MBPJ OSC Meeting

Department, after department, after department, after department, back to department. Because Malaysians love paperwork, departments and buildings with tinted black windows filled with files in cabinets and fluorescent lights.

Anyone care to correct me if Im wrong ? Lowyatt folks ? Chai Latte drinking Lowyatt folks who say submissions are as easy as A-B-C to get a home loan ?

MBPJ OSC Online comments back from various departments. Note words such as Tiada Halangan etc. This means the authorities concern have approved the plans. I have highlighted stuff in Orange as well

Only once the relevant departments have approved your submissions and have given their consent, can your hardcopy plans be put into the next meeting.

*** UPDATE 21 September 2018

21st September 2018, MBPJ Planning Department says Planning has been complied with. So apa lagi ? Wait till MBPJ OSC Meeting lah for signature and approval on the 27th of September. Goyang telur till then

The next OSC Meeting at MBPJ will be on the 27th of September. I have been waiting almost a whole month. So now we wait, and wait,.... and wait summore till the 27th of September for the MBPJ OSC Meeting.

Now we wait till the end of the month in anticipation. Somewhere, in the near future, all these submissions will come to an end, and the new chapter of Eric and Eng Hoe conman contractors will pop up.

With that too, so will this blog's persona and topics. Im really looking forward to that. Been blogging for your lowyatt champagne drinking 3pm hipsters for a while now.

Damn lowyatt contractors drinking Krystal

And then, there were 4 of Us ! - CAT & DOG

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