Saturday, December 23, 2017

MBPJ Planning Submissions

Wow, it has been almost 3 months since I had written anything down. But now that 3 months have passed by, work caught up with the end of the last quarter orders, travelling to soulless Singapore and with other jobs in hand, things got pretty busy.

At the tail end of November, I kind of set an ultimatum between ourselves (wifey and I) and with our plans. If there was going to be no progress by December end, we will just shove this aside and just live in our Single Storey. Yes, we were tired again.

I eventually asked our Architect for the Draftsman's contact and eventually things got moving in a short time, more like a week. Suddenly there was progress again and then I had the opportunity to meet the officer in MBPJ who would be submitting my documents.

So I sat down with the MBPJ, and they explain to me what are the steps for the Development Order also known as Kebenaran Merancang.

Now if you have finally had all your plans done, take a look at this below. This here is what you will NOT find anywhere on lowyatt except simple steps of 1, 2, 3 can get already house lor.

If you are submitting your plans to MBPJ these are the steps involved. Hand written for you to see and digest. Yes you lowyatt motherfuckers will now be upgraded in status when you read this and claim like you deal with MBPJ everyday.

Here it goes :-

Yes now all you lowyatt Jin Jangs are very smart automatically after reading this. Good on you



Let me now break it down to you in point form for you all to understand better. Its important to know that in this Submission Process, its broken up into 2 parts. Take Points 1 - 7 as part A and 8 - 14 as part B.

1. PLANNING (From your Architect / Draftsman)

What you need : Your plans

2. SUBMISSION (2 - 3 weeks)

What you need : Your Grant, Your Cukai Pintu (Latest with proof of payment), Cukai Tanah (Latest with proof of payment) & IC (s), You Plan, and another document your officer will ask you to sign regarding the Ministry of Health. Cant recall this name of the document. But its just so you can sign it off by saying you will keep a clean environment.

What will happen : Your documents together with a 3D rendering of your project will be done and submitted to MBPJ. THIS HERE is where you will take 1 of your 3 Plans given to you by your Draftsman, and you will then need your immediate neighbors consent. This applies for me as I am a Semi Detached House, so I will need my immediate neighbors Signature, Name and IC on the plan I am submitting to MBPJ

*** As I write this I am somewhere between Step 2 & 3 ***


What you need : All your documents above in Step 2

What will happen : Your MBPJ Officer will then take your documents and submit them first to MBPJ for a PRE SUBMISSION process where the documents are only reviewed. Kind of like how if you are applying for bank loan, or car loan, or even KWSP second account withdrawal, the documents are only reviewd. Except in this case there is no hooker named Venessa viewing documents. It will sit at MBPJ to get reviewed. Simple


What you need : Signboard Notice

What will happen :

1. After 2 or 3 days when your documents have been approived for Pre Submission, you will then need to put up your Planning Notice. It will be ready within 2 days. Ask your MBPJ Officer who could help you do it right. You dont need to buy an expensive Steel one, just a simple wooden one will do. Because the Signboard will be up only for a period of 1 week. It takes about 2 days to do the Signboard, and the Signboard is up for 1 week at your property. The MBPJ Officer will decide where the signboard should be placed.

2. For the Notice, your neighbors will be also notified, your neighbour in front, at the rear, side, and any neighbor 20 meters from your building will have a Notice to Plan. This is given by MBPJ to your Neighbors simultaneously when the Signboard is installed.

3. After 7 days, your Neighbours will be able to attend a Hearing and have 1 day to object, or complain about your property during a Hearing. This will be set at a time and place by MBPJ. But there is nothing to worry about because MBPJ will not bother about if you are building something even to the maximum limits, and your neighbors sunlight, feng shui or wind will be affected. The only thing that MBPJ will be concerned about is if there are any Structural or Engineering concerns. Thats all. In my case, I can only think of one shitty neighbor that will do this, and that person has built illegally. So it wont happen. (Some people just want to stop you)


What do you need : All your documents once again, this part is left to MBPJ to do the submissions.

What will happen : All your documents, etc. will be going through a Pre Submission now that the manual labour is done. Your documents are then compiled and attached with an Online Letter in Soft Copy format to the One Stop Center. From here things now move online. If there are any comments by MBPJ as well, it is done here. Things like "Please update a new Cukai Pintu" or "There is no Rainwater Harvesting" etc will be done. In other words someone is looking at the Pre Submissions before Submitting to the OSC or One Stop Center the proper Hardcopy Documents. This is where real last and final changes can be made to your plans if it is required. Best have your Architect on Standby or Mr. Eng Hoe and Mr. Eric who say it cost 5k for Architects work.

You will also be assigned / registered with a Username and Password here. You will be able to monitor the submission process and approvals. Your project will have a Project Number as well.


What do you need : Nothing if you dont have to re-submit your Soft Copy plans with amendments.

What will happen : You will be approved for submitting finally the Hard Copies, especially if your documents are out of date. Have fresh documents always. Time your submissions well.


What do you need : Your Hard Copies of your Plans, and documents in point 1

What will happen : Submissions for PLANNING DEPARTMENT in MBPJ and MBPJ One Stop Center. Your Hard Copies will now be sent back to the MBPJ One Stop Center as well.

Congratulations ! Level Upgraded !

***At this point on, things are out of your hand, so let things take its course here on. There is nothing your can do, so I will only comment on What will happen. There is also something very important to note here. From here onwards, the fastest things could take will be 1 month, and the maximum 67 days. Because MBPJ has 67 days to Endorse you. Hence a maximum of 67 days / 3 months (thats 6 months for you chai latte drinking lowyatt assholes who work 3.5 days a week - Exluding Hangover Mondays, Halfday Fridays, and 2 days for the Weekend for you hard working people)


What will happen : This will be given to the MBPJ Officer who is in charge of Planning in your area


What will happen : MBPJ OSC will have a meeting with Kuih and Teh Tarik. 


What will happen : OSC will approve your Plans


What will happen : MBPJ will meet once, yes 1 time a month, to Endorse your plan that MBPJ OSC had looked, checked, commented and advised on your documents.


What will happen : 10 Copies of your plans will be Endorsed by MBPJ for filing.  


What will happen : Your plans will go back to the Planning Department for the final stage


What will happen : Your plans get Endorsed by the Planning Department

Congratulations ! Level Achieved !

In Conclusion, Malaysians love their paper work. 

But Breaking it up in a very Laymans way for Lowyatt people to understand and become God Status on lowyatt who advise fools, can be given as follows :-


1. You have your plans
2. You submit with your docs for pre submission for Planning
3. Planing reviews your Pre Submission documents
4. You let your neighbors know you have a plan
5. OSC takes a look at your Soft Copy docs
6. OSC gives you an approval letter to submit hard copies
7. Submit your Hard Copies to OSC


1. Hard Copy is given to Planning Department
2. OSC Has a meeting to Approve your Docs
3. OSC Approves your Docs
4. MBPJ has a meeting
5. MBPJ Approves your Docs
6. Planning Department views your Docs approved
7. Planning approves Docs

Now go, and claim your God Status on lowyatt. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Soil Investigation Part 3

Today is the 6th of September as I write this. I have no idea when this will be fully published but here is where an update is created.

I received from Mr. Ibrahim of GEOSCIENCE SOLUTIONS the Lab Test report for the Soil Investigations. Something alekfurgeson from lowyatt clearly knows how to read.

Man this stuff is lengthy and with all the technical jargon that goes into it, only contractors like Mr. Eric will secretly understand and will try and rip me off for the sake of some Cristal at Marini's by conning me.

Keep in mind, that it was a little longer than I thought due to the Holidays compulsory - 31st August, Some Hari Raya holiday - 1st September AND a fucking uncalled for Holiday by MO1 for the Gold Medals won during the SEA Games which took place on the 4th of September. (Seriously, we give ourselves shitty holidays for no reason for the sake of sports. Earn a Gold at the Olympics first then lets talk about a well deserved holiday after 60 years )

Minus the slight incorrect description on the type of house from the soil report (mentioned we own a bungalow) It will have to be re-corrected. Be careful when you receive your Soil Investigation report as when you are submitting it to the local town council such as MBPJ you will need to describe your property correctly.

What does the Soil Investigation Report look like ? What will it say ?

Its a 42 page document which is what I received. Here are some of the things that I have attached. Its basically covered in a few chapters but essentially its divided into 2 parts :-

1. Soil Investigation - Includes the result of your Mackintosh Probe and Bore Hole Tests
2. Lab Test Results - Testings of soil done at the lab

Kinda looks like the SPA, mentions who you are and the Engineer you have nominated

Yup, certified Soil Investigator here

This shows Mackintosh Probe results for MP 1 -3. The chart shows the strength of each Probe areas

And here is MP 4 -6 where most of the future building will be built on

Hey look guys ! Its Gus from Cinderella, hes back !
And more results that only people from lowyatt will understand

What do you do after receiving your Soil Investigation Report ?

Ask your Soil Investigator to email it immediately to your Engineer / Architects Engineer so that your Engineer is able to make the right calculations.

Give your Engineer a week to digest this information before calling your Engineer back. Clearly Engineers too have other jobs in hand, and when you are not paying RM 50,000 for lowyatt "humble" budgets, you need to eat some humble chicken rice and not be pushy.

So after a week, I had called the Engineer and asked how were things for the report, well read below
Oh oh. Intermediate doesnt sound too good

Over the phone the Engineer says that the soil isnt fantastic. He says its a little soft. So this is why Soil Investigation is so important for an Engineer. You need to know what you are dealing with especially when you are demolishing and rebuilding something that requires submissions to MBPJ. Not Lowyatt advise from Mr. Alekfegurson.


Thats right, "just a strip of foundation strong enough to bla bla bla" 

So over the phone the news was not great according to the Engineer who says the soil is a little bit soft below. I guess the crumbling solid surface 19.5 meters below isnt doing too well. Maybe it was the rain during the days of the Bore Hole. Who knows, whatever it is, every problem has a solution.

Having an open mind, I didnt feel crushed or defeated at all. The Engineer and I had a couple of words and ideas exchanged. The most important part for the Engineer were MP 4- 6 where heaviest part of the building would be. 

MP 1 - 3 were pretty irrelevant to the building, it was going to be grass anyway so this gives the Engineer some room to play around with things, which is what he will be doing soon.

The other advise from the Engineer was that a Raft Piling could be used instead of a Reinforced Concrete one. Basically a Raft Piling looks somewhat something like a large slab of concrete that will be the base of the building. This will not anchor anything into the ground but will have a foundation that floats on the soil with better weight distribution. Its a raft essentially. 

This could serve as the sub floor and pile as well. We may need to dig about a foot deeper for this but the Engineer will calculate stuff out. We were also factoring our kind neighbor as well, not the shitty one of course.

During this time, our Architect will be tweaking our final layout and we will then have it ready for Mr. Dalee as well who will be able to then determine how strong, how deep, how big things like your piling works, beams, pillars, footings, columns etc. will be for the structure of the building.

See why lowyatt people can never give you good advise ? Because no one literally knows things deeper than the surface of what they walk on.

So if you want answers, do what I did, you will have the answers needed for your Engineer from the Soil Investigation Results who will -

: Determine your piling depth, size of pillars, beams and other structural reinforcements that will then be given as advise to your -

: Architect who will be able to draw up the Engineers Plans who will then -

: Ask you to sign off on the plans and then your Architect will then -

: Submit it to MBPJ for approvals when it comes to converting a Single Storey Semi Detached to a Double Storey Semi Detached

Im very pleased the Eric's, Eng Hoes, Tans, etc. are no longer a part of our journey that has taken me a while to start, but we are starting on the right foot KNOWING what will be required and what things will take. 

Given the chance of it being in the hands of a contractor managing your "problems" which will eventually not be your contractors anyway, its better working with the right people and hearing sound advise. 

Remember folks, if you are feeling a little sick, go to a doctor, not lowyatt

If you are looking to build a home, look for an architect, not lowyatt

And if you are looking to do any soil investigation works, ask an Engineer for some help. Not alekfegerson or Lowyatt

At this point, we can officially say, Soil Investigation Works and Report has now been completed. A 3 part Saga that has given much to think about with my thinning hairline (which I am fixing as well today. Think battling Venessa from Affin Bank and other alike caused a decent loss of hair)

Next up will be looking at finalizing plans and having a last discussion before moving on to submissions.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Amending your First Layout Plan

Today is the 6th of September, the same day I received the Soil Investigation Report. And yesterday on the 5th of September, I received my first proper draft that has views front, back left, side, and roof from Mr. Sarizal, our Architect.

Seems like when things are about to get moving for submissions for Kebenaran Merancang (Build Order) at MBPJ, everything pulls together fast when it comes to last minute adjustments.

I received the illustrations which are best described during a face to face discussion before finally creating the ultimate masterpiece for signing off on. Here are some of the notes that I had made today upon receiving the layout yesterday - 5th September 2017.

Layout Plan Page 1 describes the location of your site is. In our case Petaling Jaya. There is a slight hiccup as there are 2 units of the same Lot in this plan that needs to be amended (Surveyors Fault, who had amended it in the end) . It will also describe the kind of door sizes as well as the type of windows you will be using. So look carefully at everything and make notes. Save your Architect some time by knowing what you really want so not too much tinkering back and forth is made 
Layout Plan 2 above describes the dimensions of scale of things. This is where your birds eye view of your site will look like. In my case, some amendment still needs to be made with the recess and the overall size of the first floor's width. 

Layout Plan 3 shows your profiles - Side, Front, Left, Right, Back. This shows your overall aesthetics, proportions, dimensions, roof as well as windows and doors. Im sure Ill be having a Gin tonight while looking at any last minute discoveries to add as well to my list.

This is where you will be able to do any last minute amendments, adjustments or additions or alterations to your plan. As you can see, I think the roof was drawn a little high, though its understandable that at a 45 degree pitch your heat reflection will be good and your rain water will run off quicker, however for aesthetic purposes, about 23 degrees of a pitch will look better. 

As you can see as well, I have made some notes on what will be discussed tomorrow - 7th September 2017 with Mr. Sarizal as well for final confirmations,... or at least 95% of it before a new set of documents will be printed. 

Yet, after all this, the architects work is still not done.

Why ?

Because The size of the footings, pillars etc. will have to rely on the Engineer of ours Mr. Dalee. Of course, who relies on the Soil Investigation Report from Mr. Ibrahim and the boys who did the Soil Penetration Test and Mackintosh Probe to determine what size of footings, beams and pillars we will need.

I could have gone to Mr. Alekfegurson of lowyatt who clearly knows a lot more......

......But Mr. Dalee our Engineer thinks its best we stick with him.

Piece of shit advise on lowyatt

Lets see what happens tomorrow after a meeting with Mr. Sarizal, we still need the Engineers advise, before finally signing off on things, but for the meantime, If you are reading this, its important to have the patience and clarity of knowing what needs to be done carefully. Its best to measure twice and cut once.

Me, Im looking forward to signing all 3 pages on the right hand corner.

Stay tuned for 2 more chapters which will be on Soil Investigation Report, and Final Layout Plan this month.

Things may have taken a while, but here we are at some stage rather than relying on Mr. Eric the contractor. There's Gandalf the Great, There's also Eric the Wise and Alekfegurson the Wiser.

MBPJ Submissions, coming very soon


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Soil Investigation Part 2

Today the 16th of August 2017, we had in the morning collected samples of our Solid Rock Surface.

There were supposed to be 5 samples collected from the Bore Hole but we were only able to retrieve one because the soil was too hard for the Bore Hole to go further. This is what the soil looks like. Bagged in at 19.5 meters down.

The Hard Soil gathered from 19.5 meters below. Turns out this soil was hard rock before but is slowly turning into soil. Thats whats happening down below. Its kinda sandy and hard. As you can see, the soil too is yellowish brown just like how it was shown in the previous post just before striking Solid Rock

19.5 meters. Soil is pretty hard, and crumbly too. Nothing to worry about cause its compact

So turns out that these guys were right all along when they said

" between 15 - 20 meters down in Your area we will find Solid Rock. " 

These guys are more accurate than the good for nothing  advise you can find with lowyatt people and their 3 generations of inheritance. Perfect prediction.

The shitty illegal neighbor was worried when the boys this morning were trying to retrieve samples 4 and 5. She thought the tests will last the whole day. At least the boys covered me and said this isnt a long test, its almost finished.

Whats up with these old farts. A little noise and they make it seem like the Nazi's are coming. The machine is still going to have to be fired up again to move it back to position, this old fart is gonna freak out again when the Nazi Boys bring on the Blitzkrieg ... One More Time

Achtung !

DAY 6 - Mackintosh Probe Day

With the SPT Test completed in the morning. Now it is time for the Mackintosh Probe Test works in the afternoon. 

6 Holes were to be tested. 5 of which would require the concrete around the house to be drilled and Probed into for testing.

The only Mackintosh Probe Test that didnt require drilling was MP5. The rest needed a bit of drilling through concrete before probing into the holes.

These 2 are pretty alright workers. Especially the tubby dude. He looks like Gus from Cinderella or something. Both are hardworking and smart

This dude doesnt know how to even insert a pipe and tighten it with an O ring. Pretty sure this dude made the clay penis.

Getting the Mackintosh Probe holes drilled out

The holes were drilled in some time around 11 AM and 12 PM. 

The good thing is the test would take a much shorter time than the SPT Test.

As the test dictates, its either you reach 400 blows within 15 meters, or reach 15 meters first. So Im confident that our soil is fine and will not reach 15 meters first. 

Reaching 15 meters first would mean the soil will be too soft to construct structures of a particular size and weight. 

So the work on the Mackintosh Probe began. 

The 6 holes will take 2 days to reach its goal. So lets see where we fall on DAY 7


Nothing today, the dudes only removed the SPT Machine away. This took a while too. Almost half a day to move the machine and hoist it back on the truck with its equipment and tools


Nothing happened today either. The dudes had to go somewhere else. So work would continue on Saturday, Day 9. I mean I cant complain much, for what Im paying for its okay. Either way my architect and engineer couldnt do anything as well cause they were away so there was no rush yet.


19th August 2017. Its Saturday.

The dudes are back. They drilled a larger hole for the Mackintosh Probe's surface because the holes drilled previously were too small.

Finally the proper Mackintosh Probe started in the morning. Below is the probe's main device that looks like a heavy sharp tipped arrow.

The tip that will penetrate through soil. Theres also the Hammer thats in a shape of a cylinder that will be then used to hammer the probe into the ground

These are the rods that will be attached to one another the deeper you go to reach 400 blows or to 15 meters / whichever comes first

Marking the rods every foot to know how deep the probe will go down to. Has to be done on every rod when the rods are attached to each other.

Let the hammering begin. The hammer is pulled up and then released under its own weight to hammer.

And when the hammer comes down to ground level, another rod is attached 

This was MP5, the only probe test done in the Garden

The results show how many blows were done at each depth. The soil is pretty good

As you can see above. The blows are recorded are pretty damn good. Im not reaching 15 meters first before 400 blows. Im reaching about the 4.5 ish  - 6 meter range when the 400 blows and more are reached.

This means the soil is very good.

When you start blowing the Mackintosh Probe into the ground, the first 20 - 50 blows are pretty fast, it often slows down around the 2 meter mark. Thats when your number of blows starts to shoot up because you are penetrating now into dense soil. This is for soil in SS3 Petaling Jaya, or at least in my case.

Now all you lowyatt people will have an IQ of 300 because now you have got this information. Now go claim yourselves as God Status

At about 12 30 PM I headed to the office. Yes, Saturday is a full day too for me unlike you work life balance chai latte hipsters.

I wanted to see the soil collected from at least one probe but couldnt spare the time. What happens is at 400 blows, soil will be collected as well for testing anyway.

The works might go on till about 7PM today. There are 6 bore holes and the noise levels probably even at a decibel of 10 will trigger our shitty illegal neighbor anyway. (for your information 65 decibels is permitted in the day time, and 55 at night which is the noise level of a Grand Piano) 

But the Mackintosh Probe Test will be completed today.

The noise levels are very bearable. They are not loud at all. Its just a hammer whacking a rod into the ground. 


So there you have it, this is what the Mackintosh Probe Test looks like and what needs to be done.

Something clearly the Alex's, Tan's, Eng Hoe's, and especially Eric's of the world of contractors have no fucking clue of what needs to be done. That too with you lowyatt undocumented - cheap - fucking - talk - no solution people such as alekfurgeson. (Fucking idiot)

Can you imagine if we had engaged with a contractor first, only to get rejected and do this work later ? The amount of ding donging and going back and forth and spending more money on contractors so they could drink more Cristal at Marinis ? This is why you engage a contractor much later. 

If you want to renovate your home in Petaling Jaya, to the extend of demolishing it and rebuilding it, well this is what needs to be done. This is MBPJ Home Renovations 101 for demolishing and rebuilding a single storey semi detached into a double storey semi detached.

Clearly these are the steps that I am recording to give YOU a step ahead.

But then again, lowyatt people already knew this,... dont they always do !

Next up will be Soil Investigation Part 3. Didnt expect it to be in 3 parts but at least its being done right. Will wait for the soil data to return before submitting it to our engineer who will determine how deep our ground beams and footings etc will need to be before the next stage happening next month - Submissions to MBPJ


Friday, August 11, 2017

Soil Investigation Part 1

Once the Survey work had been completed - Levels and Boundaries, I had immediately moved on to the Soil Investigation works through Mr. Sarizal's contact -  Mr. Ibrahim.

Survey works and Soil Investigation Works to me, if you time it just right, could work almost hand in hand during the same time if planned well. This could save you a few days or a week. I guess we are doing things step by step with the kind architects advise.

Soil Investigation works that will be done to your property will include the 2 common tests.

1. SPT Test which stands for Soil Penetration Test - To retrieve 5 samples
2. Mackintosh Probe Test

You may have a question here

What happens during your SPT and Mackintosh Probe Test ?

SPT : A large machine will Bore a hole close to the center of your land as possible. It is dug up till 40 meters deep OR till they find hard soil. Whichever comes first.

On average around the 15 - 20 meter mark is when you will find Hard Rock.

Every 0.5 meters, soil is collected. The collected soil will be sent to the lab for data to be given to your Civil Engineer.

This is simply trying to see how deep your Solid Rock surface is below you.

Mackintosh Probe Test : 6 points around your property (4 corners included) will be tested by a simple hand operated device. The device will be just like hammering a rod with a hammer like shaft. Each hammer is called a Blow. The test will be to reach 15 meters or reach 400 blows. Whichever reaches first.

Its best to reach 400 blows first before reaching the 15 meters mark.

With the test above, you cant find thorough and proper information with real life experience on lowyatt.

All you have is a forum once again about insecure people having no answers to a question. Just cheap opinions without solutions. Take Exhibit A below :

So this Gentleman wants to extend his Kitchen on Mining Land, so he opened up a topic. Where ? Lowyatt

Oh really ? With your 7 postings you say Boreholes ? As in Plural ? Not Singular ? Really ? 1 Borehole is not enough ? What solution are you providing yiawhui ? Will your solution comply to your local town council or Engineers requirements ? Are you an Engineer ? Do you work for MBPJ ?

And then someone gives an answer like this. Kudos to your 1 star solution. Just as good as yiawhui. Fucking genious. Cause you do Soil Testing everyday right alekfegurson ? You sound like an Engineer yourself saying just a strip of foundation is enough. You MUST be the Engineer we have been looking for. And you dare say "this is normally how the nerd would tell". Whose the nerd now Mr. Just a strip of foundation is enough ?

If you really dont want to be trapped with Lowyatt topics if you are extending, renovating, or even demolishing and rebuilding like me, heres some professional advise below :-


If you are sick, go to a DOCTOR. Not Lowyatt

Building / Doing something to your Home ? Go ask an Architect if he can recommend you an ENGINEER. Not Lowyatt

Even our Architect cant advise us on Soil Testing so how can Lowyatt ? But our Arhitect knew the symptoms, so he suggested to see an Engineer. Our Architect didnt recommend Lowyatt though. Strange,..... thought alekfegurson would have made an EXCELLENT Engineer ! Trust me am good at judging characters, he would have made a good one. All of lowyatt today worships him.

So you see, in the end there was no solution in this topic as well. You can never get the deep answers with the right experience from start till end with lowyatt. Just a bunch of lowyatt fuckers scaring and misleading shit till kingdom comes. Fucking lowyatt.

So Im sharing this here for you to know what will happen. And am sure after this every lowyatt person who reads this will be upgraded to God Status.

Looking at Soil Investigation Works, it seems this will be a requirement to be done for the Civil Engineer Mr. Dalee, as well as for MBPJ.


Some may think its not required such as lowyatt, but this is what is needed on paper before submissions so we have to do it. Because an Engineer in MBPJ too will be looking at your soil as well. Even if they dont look at it, you still need it.

Its like the fine print - some will read it, most will not. But its there to sign off on.

If I was simply extending a portion of the Home, I wouldnt have needed to do this at all.

I contacted Mr. Ibrahim who works for GEOSCIENCE SOLUTIONS SDN. BHD on the 4th of August.

The same day as I had picked up my Survey Plans. The company Mr. Ibrahim works for is called GEOSCIENCE SOLUTIONS SDN. BHD.

Below is my quote of how much these works would cost for the Standard Penetration Test (Bore Hole) and the Mackintosh Probe Test WITH Lab Testing to be conducted.

Its a modest quote, and a fair price according to my Architect

Whats that again lowyatt people ? Refresh my memory yiawhui

Thats right, 5 - 10 k for BoreholeS with an S. Plural not Singular. 7 posts with sound adviseS. Keep in mind, this is 2011 when yiawhui posted this and mentioned 5 - 10k. I paid as per the quote above. Its now 2017. This is why lowyatt people who drive Myvis actually have 500,000 in their account.

Sounds like a decent name GEOSCIENCE SOLUTIONS SDN. BHD. but as you will soon see, the chaps are a pretty funny bunch of characters.

Anyway, I received a quote within the same day, on the 4th of August 2017 towards the later part of the evening. I asked Mr. Sarizal if the price was alright and he said was a fair price. This was a Friday so I just signed on the quote and emailed it back as my confirmation.

I had also sent Mr. Ibrahim of GEOSCIENCE SOLUTIONS my Survey Plan showing where the property was, where the grass was, and where concrete was. Do this if you are engaging in a Soil Investigator.

My Survey Plan that I indicated where grass was. Still ended up having to dig through concrete anyway.

Shortly after I received an email back showing where the SPT and Mackintosh Probe Tests will be conducted.

X Marks the spot. Thats where the Bore Hole will be done. The deepest of all Holes to be dug

We agreed to meet on a Wednesday as the machine was being used somewhere in Kajang. So that would be the earliest we could get the machine in, on Wednesday. I paid GEOSCIENCE SOLUTIONS on Monday the 7th of August so work would commence on Wednesday.


Wednesday came and boy oh boy did it pour so the only thing that could be done was to put the machine and equipment in place for the next day. Here is the SPT Machine for the Bore Hole. Was around 5 : 30 when it finally showed up.

Neighbors being kepoh chi had all gathered to have a look what was going on like something terrible had just impacted their lives. Dogs were barking, old fart neighbors looked like it was a revisit of world war 2 coming to ss3. One neighbor though a senior gentleman, walked inside the compound to ask what was going on. I bet you all neighbors that very same night had used their telephone to call each other and spread the word. Actually, what he wanted was a pot left behind by the previous owner. 

While bringing down the SPT Machine, I reassured our neighbor it was a Soil Test that was going to be done. They thought construction was going to begin 2 days or something later. Sheesh. Only lowyatt people can get soil tests, surveys, town council approvals and construct buildings in 2 days. Cause they do this everyday like alekfugurson. 

On the left are the Bore Hole cylinder cases. In the middle are the tubes that will bore into the ground to collect soil sample up to 40 meters down. On the right is just a water pump for the SPT Machine

Now look, if you think these guys are going to show up in a very expensive yellow and black CAT truck with a crane attached to its back, staff wearing jumpers or overalls with reflective strips, goggles, safety hats with timberland boots like they were going to drill oil off an oil rig from the sea,....

You got it fucking wrong.

This is where lowyatt people can pay 50,000 for all I care for their fucking Soil Investigation, but not me. I just wanted to get my information extracted.

What lowyatt people think they get. Your dreams are about to be crushed

These guys from GEOSCIENCE SOLUTIONS SDN. BHD. were a chatty bunch of dudes who woke up the neighborhood. In some sense this was good reminder to the kepoh chi neighbors, cause this would be an indication of things to come and what to expect.

And what was to be expected was noise levels in future with heavy machinery and concrete trucks with pumps and the whole works. They would have to accept that this is what is going to be done. Especially if they too are banking on rejuvenating the neighborhood and increasing the value of the road, let alone property.

It was a good signal that shit was about to get real. So heres was a warning to all - Noise WILL come.

These guys from GEOSCIENCE SOLUTIONS will smoke, rip your garden apart-i-dont-give-a-fuck way of working. What I can say though is, yes you pay for what you get. The only rule I gave these dudes was

"You wanna smoke, can, but dont you think about throwing your butts anywhere you want". 

I gave my rule, that was it, they obeyed, they could play with their own turd for all I care and throw it at each other and I didnt care, just get my extractions.

These were chicken rice people, not Medium Done Steak eating contractors.


On the 10th of August work finally commenced. Its a strange year having rain and cloudy weather during August. But work commenced and this is when the SPT Machine was put to place to drill a hole that would then reach its maximum depth till it finds Sound Rock.

I was glad I was there during this time. I saw the beginning of what will be a hole being dug to somewhere I would never reach and see. Its kinda like the Kola Superdeep.

Here are some images of Day 2

The SPT Machine was moved to its Bore Hole position. Or should I say Bore Hole Machine. Took about half an hour to move 20feet. Lowyatt people can do this in 2 minutes

When the hole was dug on the surface. Was penetrated somewhere in the middle of the land. Yes they dug through tile

Whe the hole was first dug before the cylinders were inserted to begin proper Bore Hole work

I left for work about an hour in. As long as I was there to witness the beginning, I was happy.


So I came back the next day and they had already reached 6 meters. Here are some images.

Work commenced on this morning with the rain and drizzle

These 3 guys are a chatty bunch. One even took clay and made a penis. Hilarious. Didnt know what to say, to fuck them up or laugh. In the end I laughed.

Inserting the probe with a collet that collects the soil every 0.5 meters down. That tip that this gentleman is holding will contain soil collected for the lab to test

The soil below begins to turn white ish which indicated its still soft soil / clay ish soil. That was probably used to make their clay penis

6 meters down, I was lucky to view what the soil was like during their probe

6 meters in and it was still soft soil. The chap drilling the hole mentioned that he reaches hard soil around 15 - 20 meters deep on average. So at 6 meters I was not going to expect anything yet. So I had nothing to worry about. 

The soil while being drilled, will begin to turn white ish which looks like clay. It will still be soft soil. It will eventually hit Solid Rock at a particular depth, and thats it. 

So this, lowyatt folks, is what you will now post all over forums claiming you will be the biggest genius who knows more than any other "common" lowyatt folks. Welcome to Lowyatt God status

At every 0.5 meters, soil is collected through the Bore Hole's probe and kept aside.

Shown here is soil collected at 1.5 meters down

Soil from 3 meters down collected in a bag

Once Sound Rock / Solid Rock is reached, drilling will stop and soil will be collected from its deepest point at Solid Rock.


Its the 12th of August 2017, Its a Saturday. I walked into my home and no one was working there, I took a look around and saw some notes on the ground on a piece of cardboard that it was 16.5 - 16.9 meters so thats where they had stopped on Friday.


Monday had come but these dudes had some kursus that they had to attend. They didnt inform me but I had asked when they were going to come back and they said Tuesday, which is today the 15th of August.

I paid my place a visit and saw them still digging. Man this seems like this kinda stuff is pretty long. Its good though they didnt come on Saturday. Being a caring neighbor I too didnt want that really loud machine turned on. The Boring Machine / SPT Machine really sounds like the worlds loudest grass cutter. And its diesel stench is pretty strong.

The soil today had changed colour though to a more brownish colour. Im guessing its going even deeper now

Soil now begins to look brownish yellow. We will be most likely hitting Solid Rock today

According to the supervisor, in my area of Petaling Jaya, you would usually find Solid Rock / Hard Surface when you arrive around the 20 - 30 meter mark. Wow thats pretty deep I guess. Well the maximum these guys can bore at will be 40 meters.

Before leaving, the Bore Hole reached 18 - 18.5 meters. This is 2.5 days of Boring so far. With this, Im guessing reaching Solid Rock wont be far now, and Solid Rock we finally reached today...

As of 3 30 PM today, 15th August 2017, we finally reached Solid Rock at 19.5 meters.

What happens now is that you will have to dig 5 samples from the point of Solid Rock Penetration and then the SPT Test is complete.

I told the guy that when he reaches Solid Rock to just whatsapp me when they have reached. But the dude didnt. Lucky I called.

Looks like those 2 -  3 weeks of work for just soil testing might after all be true. And we still have not reached the Mackintosh part yet.

At 5 15 PM today, I received a call from our shitty illegally built house neighbor who said the machine was still going on and smoke was being blown into her premise. Lowyatt old farts. Its alright for them to build shit illegally, but not us.

Well at least the dudes got 3 samples so far so the shitty neighbors will have to bear with us for another 2 more samples before things are completed.

Well lets comply first and see what happens in future. Well, our first complaint. How fun !


So because Im a caring Malaysian who wants to share information instead of being on lowyatt, this is what you can expect from Soil Penetration works by drilling a Bore Hole. This is how much it would cost today, in 2017, and not in 2011. So if you are going to do something in Petaling Jaya, or for that matter anywhere in Selangor, hopefully this information has helped.

Just remember, no lowyatt advise. For that matter, dont take it even from me.

If you want advise, go to the right person. The only right advise I can give is for your to take it from the right person.  In which this case your Architect or Engineer.

If you want a fair - priced - service, you may use the following details unlike lowyatt folk who would only say

"PM Me on the Side"

Just to make extra money off you with wrong advise.


GEOSCIENCE SOLUTIONS SDN. BHD. may be reached with the following details :-

E-05-02, SERAI WANGI M16/M
40000, SHAH ALAM

H/P NO : 019 272 4005
TEL NO : 03-5524 5844

Now go on lowyatt and claim you have done Soil Testings like you do it everyday and give advise. Fucking Lowyatt people.

Next up will be the Mackintosh Probe Test. The most boring test where you whack what looks like a penis into the ground to see if it reaches 400 blows or more.

That was a joke by the way

And then, there were 4 of Us ! - CAT & DOG

This is a Lengthy post, and a real tough, but absolutely 180 turn around in life. Goodbye, old Friend In 2021, the Home was being finished t...