Monday, July 23, 2018

OSC Online MBPJ House Demolish / Renovation


There are 2 things required when you are submitting your documents for OSC Online

1. Your Softcopy of your documents submitted by a "qualified" person in which case mine was the MBPJ officer

2. Town Planner submission of the same documents to MBPJ

Why this is the case is beyond my understanding. I know MBPJ is practicing ISO or "International Standards of Operation" and all but this doesnt make sense.

On the 10th  - 12th of July officers were also unavailable due to some fucking "kursus". But its ok. As it turns out it was good considering my latest Cukai Pintu had to be submitted. Thats right, they had my old Cukai Pintu and now luckily I had my new one with the payment slip as well.

On the 13th of July - Friday the 13th, I met the MBPJ officer in the morning to submit my latest Cukai Taksiran / Cukai Pintu / Assesment for his submission for OSC Online. This whole process to obtain Surat Online will take 2 weeks with all required documents from the checklist from your IC to your Geran. Thats IF there are no hiccups.

On the 23rd of July both parties - "Qualified Person" & Town Planner had submitted the documents for Surat Online. Turns out that the MBPJ website has had some issues with submissions but we finally were able to get this in. So I doubt I will have my Surat Online in the next 4 days as 10 days have already passed.

Here is what it looks like for OSC Online Submissions


I can now check online for any status or progress of my documents. I now have an account with MBPJ


Its almost practically the same document except that the town planner states that the purpose of the submission of these documents is for Kebenaran Merancang / Development Order


1. We wait to see what happens in a week if there is any feedback from the One Stop Centre

2. Inform your Councillor that you have submitted your documents for OSC Online. I have informed my Adun / Assemblyman and now my local Councillor as well on the OSC Board.

3. Lowyatt People will be advising blind other lowyatt people who dont know what it takes to renovate in Petaling Jaya to "PM Me on the side"

Ok, thats all for this week. Hope that the Surat Online will pass well. Today marks 7 months since first meeting the MBPJ Officer. 5 more months before it comes a year. Will this project ever kick off before that ?

I will post next on the Surat Online when it's ready. Meantime we can only sit and wait for more holidays such as Merdeka and Malaysia Day and other holidays that will have no implications

Monday, July 2, 2018

Post Neighbours Notice - Notis Jiran MBPJ

Blogging a super quick one here.

My Pre Submissions have been approved.

Its the 3rd of July. I called MBPJ and MBPJ says that no neighbour has complained. So officially I am allowed to move on to the next subject which is OSC Online.

So does this mean that I am now at the OSC Online Stage ? No, not immediately, This will commence on the 9th of July.


While the 2nd of July dateline for any neighbours to protest has passed, MBPJ still has a small grace period of 1 week to allow shitty neighbours to still lodge a complain or protest. This is where I am at as I write this.

If you read my earlier blog, this is to allow a small town hall meeting for the neighbours to meet MBPJ. This will also allow POS Malaysia to have enough time to post back to MBPJ should there be any feedback or comments to MBPJ.

This will take a week bringing us to the 9th of July before OSC Online can commence.In a nutshell it works like this :

Notis Jiran - Grace Period for Townhall Meeting and Written Feedback - OSC Online

The MBPJ One Stop Centre Online (OSC Online) documents are being prepared for submission this week. This is where all your documents being prepared in Soft Copy. Everything from your Cukai Pintu, IC's, Geran, Title Search from the Selangor Land Office and a list of documents below will be going in for OSC Online.

An example of the list is attached again as follows :

At this moment there is nothing much to do but wait untill this Notis Jiran stage passes. Meantime you hipster chai latte and avacado toast lowyatt folks can hang on till more progress takes place next week.

By the way, check out what made it to the list of "Kebenaran Merancang Notis Jiran MBPJ" in Google Images ? No, not lowyatt

Kebenaran Merancang Notis Jiran MBPJ. You guessed it, now available on Google Images. Here it is for you lowyatt folks. Now available online from this blog. Soon to be claimed by Lowyatt folks for God Status

Think a pat on the back this time may be deserved. Especially when you cant find such an example online. Hope this blog helps you all in knowing what the steps are at MBPJ when it comes to demolishing and rebuilding a Home in Petaling Jaya. For that matter even for Renovations above 1,000 square feet.

Thank you for viewing this, will have an update soon again for OSC Online.

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